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Cone beam technology provides us with a 3D digital image of structures beneath the surface of the teeth and gums. Our CBCT scanning system gives our practice state-of-the-art technology providing unmatched visualization of anatomical detail of tooth roots, internal canals, and bone structures to help diagnose potential issues more accurately and provide treatment with unprecedented confidence. Unlike a traditional CT scanner, this 3D system utilizes cone beam CT technology and provides precise, crystal-clear digital images while minimizing your exposure to radiation.


The endodontic needs of our patients are often complex.  This revolutionary

imaging technique improves diagnostic speed and accuracy, and helps us find

the most predictable solutions.  CBCT scans can help diagnose root fractures,

hidden canals, resorptions, and a variety of bone and sinus pathology that

would not be possible otherwise.  In addition to helping prevent tooth loss by

identifying treatable endodontic conditions, this new technology can also help

patients avoid costly exploratory procedures and unpredictable treatments.


In addition, incidental findings may be significant with CBCT scans, allowing the

opportunity to catch issues early on and refer patients to the appropriate doctor.



Referrals for CBCT


Although we commonly use CBCT for treatment planning of endodontic issues in our office, dentists often refer their patients to our office for just a Cone Beam CT scan.  This 3D scan can help the doctor in: 

If you are referred for a CBCT only, our office will generate the scan and provide it on a disc for reading and evaluation by your dentist.   





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